Prerequisites Pentaho Kettle (see earlier blog post) Pentaho Report Designer You will get an error message in Pentaho Report Designer that says ' java.lang.NoClassDefFoundErr: com/sun/jersey/api/client/ClientConfig ' if you try to run a report against the Kettle job. To fix this error copy the following files from C:\pentaho\data-integration\libext\jersey\ to C:\pentaho\prd-ce-3.9.1-GA\report-designer\lib\. If you plan to ublish the report to the BI Server, also copy these files to C:\pentaho\biserver-ce\tomcat\webapps\pentaho\WEB-INF\lib\ as well - jersey-apache-client-1.7.jar jersey-client-1.7.jar jersey-core-1.7.jar The Payload My example returns an array of objects [ { "id":"1", "name":"item1", "description":"someDescription1" }, { "id":"2", "name":"item2", ...